Plan Thanksgiving Dinner ELA & Math Project

🍗 Plan a Thanksgiving Meal Math & ELA Activity đŸ„§ Students will be immersed in: Math (Easily differentiate decimals or whole numbers Writing), Informational Text, Art, and Reading...ETC as they plan their very own Thanksgiving Dinner. This November Math and Language Arts can easily be adapted to 4th, 5th, 6th, Middle School, & even High School Classrooms! Engage your students as they skillfully plan and organize their own Thanksgiving dinner, making this activity versatile and full of fun!

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*This product is part of the November Lemon Drop and unlocks Oct 10, 2025

Product Preview

Main category:
Seasonal / Holidays, The Lemon Drop, Math, Classroom Favorites, ELA
11th Grade, 7th Grade, 12th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 4th Grade, 8th Grade
Sub categories:
Review, Fractions, Seasonal, Addition|Subtraction, Digital Skills, Multiply|Divide, Place Value, Math Skills, Nonfiction, Math, ELA, Decimals, Language, Emergency Plans, Measurement, Holiday, November, Project Based Learning, Vocabulary

Product Description

🍗 Plan a Thanksgiving Meal Math & ELA Activity 🥧 is a favorite for a reason! Perfect for your upper-grades. Students will be immersed in: Math (Easily differentiate decimals or whole numbers Writing), Informational Text, Art, and Reading...ETC as they plan their very own Thanksgiving Dinner. This November Math and Language Arts can easily be adapted to 4th, 5th, 6th, Middle School, & even High School Classrooms! 

This download is a PDF with links. Allowing you to assign in Easel, or click on a link embedded in the PDF to access the Digital activities through Google Slides.

You will love this Thanksgiving Meal Planning Activity! This Project Based Learning Activity takes into account Real World Application and the steps it takes to plan a Thanksgiving Dinner. Students must read and comprehend informational text (REAL RECIPES) during this planning activity. This is the perfect PBL November activity!

This product has been UPDATED and now includes both the digital and printable versions of this activity! The Digital version is editable through Google Slides. With the update I have also included links to REAL GROCERY ADS, a video walk-through, and different grocery ads & price lists that include whole numbers, or decimals making it EASY to differentiate.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This was really great for my class. They worked on it almost independently. It led to great discussions on how much work ACTUALLY goes into preparing Thanksgiving. I enjoyed getting to connect with my students while they worked. Really great. Thank you! - 7th & 8th Grade Teacher

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I used this with my grade 4/5 class through distance learning. They loved planning out their Thanksgiving and we had some really great conversations about their expectations vs. reality when it comes to organizing a big meal like this. I even had a parent message me to tell me they loved this project and they were having such good conversations around it at home. I LOVED the use of informational text through recipes! -4th | 5th | Grade Teacher

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I used this with my 4th grade students. Each student planned a Thanksgiving dinner on a budget, created a menu, designed and made center pieces, and practiced table etiquette! We had a mini Thanksgiving lunch with a special guest from the school to show what we learned! The students LOVED it! - 4th Grade Teacher

This Thanksgiving Activity covers a wide variety of standards and skills:

** You can pick and choose to differentiate the activities based on your classroom.

  • Informational Text
  • Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  • Money
  • Converting Measurements
  • Multiplying Decimals
  • Elapsed Time
  • Multiplying Fractions or Repeated Addition Fractions
  • Critical Thinking
  • Descriptive / Sensory Writing
  • Sequential Writing
  • Percentage to Decimals
  • Adjusting Recipes using Fractions
  • Rounding and Estimating Decimals
  • Money
  • Design
  • Life Skills
  • ...ETC!

This product extension activities that can be used for fast finishers, or would work great in centers or as rotations.

To show my gratitude to you this download also includes 2 Free Activities.

  • Free Thanksgiving Coloring Page
  • Free Recognizing Gratitude, Thankful through the Alphabet

Activities Included:

  • Invitation Design/Copy Shop
  • Guest List/ Dinner Party Serving Size
  • Menu Design/ Copy Shop Cost
  • Menu Planner / Shopping List
  • Actual Thanksgiving Real Recipe Cards *encourage students to try at home!
  • Recipe Adjuster: Most recipes will need to be doubled or even tripled. Can be accomplished through repeated addition or multiplication.
  • Grocery Store Price Ad with Coupon: This activity can even be completed with actual Grocery Store Ads, or online through a grocery service!
  • 4 Different REAL Grocery Ads to pick from
  • Thanksgiving Exact Price Breakdown
  • Estimate / Rounding Thanksgiving Price
  • Thanksgiving Logistics: Students must figure out how to serve their dishes at the same time at the appropriate temperature....
  • Dining Table Design/ Seating Arrangement
  • Thanksgiving Reflection
  • Thank You Cards: Students write notes to those that prepare Thanksgiving for them, or someone they are grateful for
  • Extension Activities
  • + 2 Free Thanksgiving Activities.

I would love to hear how you use this product in your classroom, and even better... I'd LOVE to hear what your students thought!

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  • This product is part of the November Lemon Drop 🍂
  • Joining the club is easy-peasy, lemon squeezy! 
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Here at Teaching on Lemon Lane, my goal will always be to provide you with "fresh" ideas to add a little zest to your teaching. I specialize in upper-elementary, middle school, junior high, secondary, and high school activities. As a teacher, I know how precious and in-demand your time is. I aim to create detail-oriented products that are ENGAGING, curriculum-aligned, and effective.

Copyright © Teaching on Lemon Lane

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

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$ 8.25 USD
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*This product is part of the November Lemon Drop and unlocks Oct 10, 2025
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*This product is part of the November Lemon Drop and unlocks Oct 10, 2025